Sisters are friends forever

 Sisters are friends forever,
How could it be otherwise?
Loving each other since their lives began~
Caring and sharing all ties.
Sisters can always remember
The laughter, the fun and the times
That meant so much in their childhood,
Whatever brought tears to their eyes.
Sometimes we wait for that sister alone ~
But, sometimes there’s company there;
Waiting to hear from the doctor that
There’s a new voice in the air!
Even when accidents happen
Or sickness takes someone away,
Sisters are friends forever and
Will be seen again some day
Hand in hand by the seashore
Of a beautiful crystal sea,
Laughing and watching the birds fly
Their voices filled with glee.
The Lord gives us wonderful treasures;
But forever your sister is true,
Sisters are friends forever ~
God’s forever gift to you!

©Joan Clifton Costner